ADHD, a colonoscopy and me

ADHD, a Colonoscopy and Me

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Parenting a SEND Child - Mother is sat on beach watching as her young boy plays happily in the water.

Parenting a child with SEND

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What are the 3 stages of menopause

The Menopause Mystery: What are the 3 Stages of Menopause

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ADHD, a colonoscopy and me

ADHD, a Colonoscopy and Me

This post is a really personal one. About noticing blood in my poo, undergoing a colonoscopy, and the anxiety and procedures involved and how my ADHD brain coped. Inspired by Dame Deborah James and a personal connection to bowel cancer, I am urging you not to ignore such symptoms and to realise the importance of getting checked to potentially save lives.

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Parenting a SEND Child - Mother is sat on beach watching as her young boy plays happily in the water.

Parenting a child with SEND

I reflect on a challenging year marked by Sam’s difficult transition to secondary school due to SEND. The transition exposes unmet needs, leading to an emergency review, and anxiety, and ultimately requiring specialist education. Despite ongoing struggles with support services, I find solace in my online community.

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What are the 3 stages of menopause

The Menopause Mystery: What are the 3 Stages of Menopause

Menopause involves three stages: perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. Perimenopause is the transition phase before menopause, featuring symptoms like irregular periods, hot flashes, and mood swings. Menopause is marked by the absence of periods for 12 months. Postmenopause lasts for life, focusing on long-term health and well-being. Each stage is unique, and support is essential.

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menopause, adhd, autism and sleep

The Complex Trio: How ADHD, Autism, and Menopause Impact Sleep.

Menopause, ADHD, and autism can severely disrupt sleep, with hormonal changes, hyperarousal, and sensory sensitivities exacerbating the issue. Establishing sleep routines, optimising the sleep environment, managing menopausal symptoms, and addressing ADHD or autism-related needs can help. Personal recommendations include “This Works Sleep Plus Pillow Spray” and “Nu Mind Wellness Menopause Supplement.”

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5 Menopause Myths Debunked

5 Menopause Myths Debunked

Menopause marks a natural transition in a woman’s life, often shrouded in myths. It’s characterised by perimenopause, which can last up to a decade, and post-menopausal stages. Common misconceptions include unrelenting hot flashes and inevitable memory loss. However, symptoms vary widely and treatments like HRT and lifestyle adjustments offer significant relief. Menopause doesn’t signify an end but a phase to be managed knowledgeably and proactively.

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Self Care Sunday

Don’t Forget to Fill Your Cup: A Guide to Self-Care

Life’s recent ups and downs highlight the need for self-care. It’s more than basic needs; it involves stress management, pursuing happiness, and maintaining health. Self-Care Sunday practices include exercise, nutritious food, digital detox, connecting with loved ones, hobbies, and mindfulness. Resources are available for guidance. Prioritizing self-care is crucial for overall well-being and coping with life’s demands.

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ADHD, Autism and Transition

ADHD, Autism and Transition

Transitions are challenging for individuals with ADHD and Autism Spectrum Condition as they affect executive functioning, disrupt routine, and provoke anxiety. ADHD-specific issues include hyperfocus, time management, and emotional regulation. In contrast, those with ASC might struggle with social cues and require additional processing time. Acknowledging these difficulties allows for better supportive strategies for transitions, big or small, in their daily lives.

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ADHD, Menopause and Insomnia

ADHD, Menopause and Insomnia

Up to 46% of peri-menopausal women and 50% after menopause suffer from insomnia, mirroring 50-75% of adults with ADHD experiencing similar sleep issues. Triggers include hormonal changes, hot flashes, brain activity regulation, and anxiety. Good sleep hygiene, stress management, and specific products like sleep sprays and stress support supplements may help.

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Woman sits in filled bath looking into the distance | Symptoms of ADHD in Women ADHD Menopause and Me

Symptoms of ADHD in Women

I remember having Hen and Fred, two kids only 14 months apart. I was 31, unable to cope and feeling like I was completely out of control. With depleted hormones after childbirth, unknown to me this exacerbated my undiagnosed ADHD. Did you know that fluctuations in hormones can worsen focus, attention, and emotional regulation?

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ADHD Menopause and Overwhelm | ADHD Menopause and Me

ADHD, Menopause and Overwhelm

Overwhelm in adults is a common experience characterised by a feeling of being overloaded, unable to cope, and struggling to manage demands. It can manifest in various ways, both mentally and physically, impacting your well-being and daily life.

Adults with ADHD and/or women during menopause can find these symptoms particularly prevalent and debilitating.

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ADHD and Risky Behaviour Neurodivergence ADHD Menopause and Me

ADHD and Risky Behaviour

While not everyone with ADHD engages in risky behaviour, there is a link between the two. It’s important to understand this connection to navigate life safely and manage potential challenges.

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Surprising Peri Menopause Symptoms Menopause Symptoms ADHD Menopause and Me (Website) | Woman in blue t-shirt looking shocked, mouth open.

5 Surprising Menopause Symptoms

Among the 34 known menopause symptoms, five surprising ones include electric shocks, burning mouth syndrome, itchy skin, cold flushes, and dry eyes. These symptoms can be unsettling but are usually non-threatening. They stem from hormonal changes affecting nerve functions, skin hydration, blood vessel constriction, and tear production. Managing these symptoms can involve lifestyle adjustments and seeking medical advice.

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Is Menopause Making My ADHD Worse?

Juggling deadlines, keeping track of schedules, and remembering tasks – for some women with ADHD, it’s already a daily juggling act. Then menopause hits, ushering in a wave of hormonal changes that seem to scramble everything further. The question becomes a desperate whisper: am I losing it, or is this just menopause making my ADHD […]

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School Refusal and SEN Pupils

School Refusal and SEN Pupils

The bell rings, echoing throughout the building. In classrooms, desks sit vacant, awaiting students who never arrive. This isn’t the scene of a deserted school after hours; it’s the harsh reality of school refusal, a growing challenge that disproportionately impacts pupils with special educational needs (SEN). For these students, the classroom doors can represent huge […]

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Right To Choose: 5 Things You Should Know About SEN Assessment Choice UK

Taking Control: Right to Choose

5 Things You Should Know About SEN Assessment Choice in the UK Navigating the Special Educational Needs (SEN) system in the UK can feel like trekking through a complex labyrinth. I for one am still learning every day. One thing I wish I had known from day one is your right to choose… Probably the […]

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Banner | How Felicity Finds | ADHD Overwhelm

ADHD overwhelm: What it is and how to manage

I’ve been quiet of late and it’s been almost 3 months since I was able to write a blog. I am completely overwhelmed at the moment with everything and struggling to do more than the bare minimum. A new job, Sam’s move to secondary school, F going off to Army College and being part of […]

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Signs I have ADHD

10 Signs I Have ADHD (from my childhood)

I was laid awake last night; as often it does, my brain ran away at 100 miles an hour. That’s when it came to me, I remembered how when I was young at school I was always daydreaming. And in fact, I used to fall asleep quite a lot too. Suddenly more memories started to […]

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ADHD and anxiety in women | ADHD anxiety | Perimenopause anxiety

ADHD, Perimenopause and Anxiety in Women

It’s Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme is Anxiety. Anxiety is a normal emotion in us all, but sometimes it can get out of control and become a mental health problem. Being both perimenopausal and also neurodivergent then anxiety is something I struggle with almost daily. So what’s the connection between ADHD, Perimenopause […]

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SEND Parenting | Kent County Council | Enough is Enough

Being a SEND Parent is a duty and responsibility, not a choice

An Open Letter I’m not sure how many of you will have seen the footage from Kent County Council meeting – SEND Sub-committee, where some rather unfortunate and ignorant comments and terminology have been used in regard to EHCPs, neurodivergent individuals and SEND parents. But it has created quite a stir on social media and […]

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ADHD and gut health | female sits on floor with left leg on floor and hands round ankle of right leg with knee in the air.

Menopause, ADHD and Gut Health

As you know since my early 40’s I’ve suffered from bloating, food allergies and intolerances. In fact, these were one of the first signs of menopause with me (not that I knew they were symptoms at that point). Since then they have gradually worsened. So, during lockdown I decided to finally order a YorkTest, opting […]

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ADHD Jobs - ADHD in adult women - Women stands in middle of desert looking forward past the camera

ADHD Jobs – What Suits Us Best?

It’s been an interesting week and a few things have cropped up. We are nearing the end of April and I’m conscious that Sam’s final assessment day should be soon. I really must phone CAMHS to chase up! It’s also his last term at Junior School, which means a lot of change all around! Sam […]

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Women with brown top knot bun sitting with her back to the camera looking in to fieldsliving with adhd as a woman | adhd in adult women

Living with ADHD as a Woman

Sometimes I look at myself and wonder what the hell has happened to the person I was only 5 years ago. But then I remember what has changed in the past 5 years and just how far I’ve come. Living with ADHD as a late-diagnosed woman, perimenopausal, mother to ND kids and through a pandemic […]

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HRT Treatment - image of desk with pills, pill box, stethoscope and various other doctors equipment

HRT Treatment – Types of HRT

So I’ve been on HRT for approx. a year now (I can’t believe it’s only been a year LOL). I’ve been having a few concerns about things that may or may not be connected to the types of HRT I’m taking. Before I go into the issues and concerns I’ve been having, I thought it […]

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Easter Holidays 2023 - Mother and son cuddle whilst on cobbled street

Easter Holidays 2023 – Delight or Duty?

The holidays are meant to be such a relaxing time. Time as a family. Time to rebalance. Unfortunately for many families, especially those with neurodivergent children, holidays can be a much less relaxing time. Time without respite. Time without much-needed support. For some, even exclusion. The Easter holidays become more about surviving, than relaxing. Define […]

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Does HRT cause weight gain - Older woman holds her hand to her face and is smiling to camera

Does HRT cause weight gain?

No Shopping for a Year! It’s nearly the end of March and I still haven’t bought any new clothes. I must admit it isn’t easy but it is saving me a fortune! However, my weight is still not changing and is really starting to affect my confidence now. It’s a really hard one to talk […]

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ADHD symptoms in adults - image shows brown haired woman with a blanket wrapped round her shoulders, hugging a warm mug of tea

ADHD Symptoms for Adults – Your Questions, Answered

To mark the end of Neurodiversity Celebration Week, I thought it would be good to answer some commonly answered questions about ADHD symptoms for adults. These are a lot of the questions I began to Google when I realised I might have ADHD. This might not answer every question you have, but hopefully, it’s a […]

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ADHD Burnout - What is it? Image shows young girl with long brown hair sat at desk holding her hands to her head looking overwhelmed surrounded by hands holding food, drink, mobile phone, alarm clock and forms to sign

ADHD Burnout – What is it?

A seemingly simple question and answer, but actually quite complex once your delve a little deeper. ADHD burnout is when a person with ADHD feels physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted due to overexerting themselves. Burnout is something that we can all suffer from in our lives, especially at work and especially in adulthood. However, burnout in […]

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adhd diagnosis - image of long empty road

ADHD Diagnosis – A Road Less Travelled?

When you begin your journey with ADHD it can seem a lonely place. If like me you knew little about ADHD (naughty little boys?) then knowing where to start is daunting. It doesn’t help when respected broadsheets like The Times, allow the publication of articles like ‘I’m Sorry, but all this ADHD doesn’t add up’. […]

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girls sits on floor looking anxious with her knees up to her chest and partially hiding her face in her jumper - mental health in children

10 Worrying Facts about Mental Health in Children

Children’s Mental Health Week starts tomorrow and we know that COVID, lockdown and the cost of living crisis is having an adverse effect on our children’s mental health. It could be decades before we see the true effect these last few years will have had on mental health in children. However the statistics we are […]

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No Shopping for a Year

No Shopping for a Year!

So I’m a month into my #NoShoppingForAYear challenge and I’m really proud that I haven’t caved as of yet. It’s so hard though as I can really see my bad habits. Like I automatically go straight to the clothes aisles in Sainsbury’s as it was unusual for me to go food shopping and not buy […]

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Children's Mental Health Week

5 Ways to Look After your Children’s Mental Health

6 – 12 February, is Children’s Mental Health Week, run by the children’s mental health charity Place2Be. This year’s theme is Let’s Connect. When we have healthy connections – to family, friends and others – this can support our children’s sense of well-being. Over the past few months, I’ve noticed quite a change in Sam, his attitude […]

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New Year New Me - Black and White Image of womens body with knees curled up to their stomach

New Year New Me

So things have moved on a lot since I last wrote a personal post. I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions as such, but I do try and reflect on the past year and think about what I want and need to work on in the year going forward. So obviously the boys take precedence always. […]

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adhd in adult women - groups of three women laugh and smile together

ADHD in adult women

As an undiagnosed (referred, awaiting formal assessment) 48-year-old woman with ADHD, I quite often feel as if I’m stuck in limbo. Knowing that you are ADHD, but not being diagnosed means that sometimes you are unable to access services or support you would be able to if diagnosed. However, it also means you are increasingly […]

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ADHD Parent Support - Portrait of father and son studying with laptop on a online class at home

A Little Bit of Understanding

The more I find out and work to understand ADHD in me, the more I can also use this to help me understand my boys too. Especially Sam, I’m noticing so much of myself in him…

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Brain Fog | ADHD | Menopause | Me

Brain Fog – What is it?

So what exactly is Brain Fog? “Brain fog” is an umbrella term that includes forgetfulness, poor concentration, trouble finding words and confusion. You may have symptoms like: mental fatigue or sleepiness forgetfulness a cloudy or daydreamy feeling an inability to concentrate or focus distraction loss of motivation a feeling of overwhelm an inability to find […]

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Women sat at desk smiling, whilst holding fork to mouth and a bowl of salad in her handHealthy Daily Habits

Healthy Daily Habits

So the last year has been a really strange one for a number of reasons. I think we all thought this year would be us getting ‘back to normal’. I’m not sure about you, but this year has been anything but normal, in fact, it’s almost been harder than the previous two. I guess with […]

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Image of a melted strawberry ice cream with beach accessories, depicting a meltdown in the holidays

An ADHD Meltdown

I haven’t written in so long, and I’ve really missed it! How is everyone, I hope the holidays are/have been treating you okay. Do you like school holidays, or dread them? I’m a bit of both, I love the easier, calmer mornings; but I also miss the routine and the time to myself to get […]

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adhd and behaviour - girl laid on bed watching video on laptop

10 Ways to Help those with ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD is still incredibly misunderstood. More often than not symptoms are still mistakenly perceived as bad behaviour, lazy, disrespectful, rude, careless and self-absorbed.

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ADHD and Menopause

Trying to deal with possible ADHD on top of menopause is proving tough. The more I go on, the more I realise that it’s trying to do everything that I struggle with. The simplest decision becomes too much.

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To be or not to be

There seems to be a huge debate flying around on social media at the moment on whether you need to be officially diagnosed with a learning difference or not.

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5 ways to reduce stress

5 ways to reduce stress

Stress is something that everyone feels at times, and there are all kinds of stressful situations that are part of daily life. So this stress awareness month, here are 5 ways to reduce stress…

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ADHD and executive functioning

ADHD and executive function

Executive functioning is what controls our thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. These skills help an individual with planning and organizing their time

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becoming sober curious

I think I am sober curious!

For the last few months I have been considering becoming teetotal. But it’s only in the last few weeks I have become truly ‘sober curious’.

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ADHD and the menopause

ADHD & the Menopause

The reduction in Oestrogen, Dopamine and Serotonin means that those suffering with ADHD and the menopause will find everything can change.

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Premature newborn baby girl in the hospital incubator after c-section

Too posh to push?

It’s Caesarean Awareness Month this April and it reminded me that all three of my boys were born by caesarean.

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young girl sat at desk reading Dr Seuss book

DYS Aware Day

DYS Aware Day is a worldwide movement to promote inclusiveness and understanding of those with DYS differences.

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Books for Tweens

How To Change Your Parents Into Superstars – Book Review

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Books for Tweens I’m not sure about you but I haven’t found Lockdown the easiest?! The boys on the other hand seem to have taken to it without complaint (well bar homeschooling).  From X-Box to Nintendo Switch; Netflix to Disney Plus, there have been so many online ways for our kids to stay […]

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Family Life Today - jessica-rockowitz-5NLCaz2wJXE-unsplash

How to create a new balance in your family life post Covid19 – Guest Post

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”59218″ media_width_percent=”80″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Family Life Today [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Covid-19 has upended most of our lives. If we are lucky, we have been able to stay home, reconnect with family and enjoy some serious downtime, safe in the knowledge we have still been paid the majority of […]

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What is Dyslexia | How Felicity Finds

What is Dyslexia?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”59194″ media_width_percent=”80″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] What is Dyslexia? [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]The NHS states Dyslexia is a common learning difficulty.  People with dyslexia will have issues with specific abilities used for learning. Specifically reading difficulty and written language, but possibly also with word reading maths. Dyslexia does not […]

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anxious times - m-t-elgassier-cugryvziO_M-unsplash

Day 132 – Is it Okay to be Anxious?

Figures UK Deaths: 45,752 UK Cases: 299,426 Worldwide Deaths:  649,933 Worldwide Cases: 16,293,234 Developments this week… So this week Face Masks, or should I say face coverings, became compulsory in all shops.  There are some exceptions, including age and health conditions, but we are now a mask-wearing nation. Spain has now been added to the […]

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panic attack - aaron-blanco-tejedor-VBe9zj-JHBs-unsplash

Signs of a Panic Attack

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”59151″ media_width_percent=”80″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Panic Attacks [/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]I had had panic attacks before, but quite mild and actually initially I didn’t realise that was what they were.  I always assumed that a panic attack was severe, kinda like the ones you see on TV and […]

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Family Support - Self Help Books on Table

60 Ways To Improve Family Life in 60 Secs

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Meee in a Family Minute [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ position_vertical=”middle” gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”59114″ media_width_percent=”80″ media_ratio=”one-one”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Family Support Sid Madge is the author of ‘Meee in a Family Minute’ and founder of The Meee Programme.  In 2009, Sid chose to relocate from London to a remote corner in […]

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girl looking off into beautiful sunset holding hair in hand on top of head

10 simple ideas for good mental health

Good Mental Health Updated March 2022 The pandemic and events ongoing as we speak, mean that we are more conscious than ever about mental wellbeing and looking after not only those around us but also ourselves. So what exactly is good for our mental health? There are some pretty obvious tips, but maybe there are […]

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Behaviours - Photo by Edgar Perez on Unsplash

When Healthy Behaviours Turn Dark – Guest Post

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Mind & Body Intertwined [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”59082″ media_width_percent=”80″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space empty_h=”1″][vc_column_text]Lisa, of Mind and Body Intertwined, started her blog whilst studying for her Bachelors in Psychology.  She has now received her Masters degree. During her studies, she found that the body and the mind are […]

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Anxiety Attack finn-nJupV3AOP-U-unsplash

Day 119 – Another Anxiety Attack…

Figures UK Deaths: 44,830 UK Cases: 290,133 Worldwide Deaths: 573,304 Worldwide Cases: 13,135,134[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] Another Anxiety Attack passes… I’m a day late in posting so my apologies.  After losing a filling back at the beginning of lockdown and having no issues, it decided to become infected and so I’ve been battling an abscess.  Even with the […]

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Mental Health Facts

Day 111 – A Mental Health Emergency

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Mental Health Facts [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”58994″ media_width_percent=”80″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 44,220 UK Cases: 285,416 Worldwide Deaths: 534,861 Worldwide Cases: 11,448,554   Source:[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] This Week So this week has seen lockdown relax even more in the UK. Although Leicester is the first place […]

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dyslexia and maths annie-spratt-ORDz1m1-q0I-unsplash

5 Ways to Help – Dyslexia and Maths

Dyslexia and Maths A common misconception about Dyslexia is that it just affects reading & writing, but it can also affect Maths too. Dyscalculia is a learning difference that means a child has difficulty understanding numbers.  It should not be assumed that all children with dyslexia suffer from dyscalculia (although a high percentage do) or […]

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Improve Your Mood

Day 103 – 5 Tips To Improve Your Mood Everyday

Figures UK Deaths: 43,514 UK Cases: 310,250 Worldwide Deaths: 498,284 Worldwide Cases: 9,965,869 Improve Your Mood Everyday Some days life is easy, life is good and everything seems bright.  But during ‘lockdown’ and/or suffering from a mental disorder then a lot of days aren’t easy, aren’t good and really don’t seem bright at all. It […]

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Fathers Day - sasha-freemind-nXo2ZsKHTHg-unsplash

Day 97 – Not An Easy Day

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Father’s Day [/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”58892″ media_width_percent=”80″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space empty_h=”1″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 42,632 UK Cases: 304,331 Worldwide Deaths: 467,555 Worldwide Cases: 8,958,945[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] This Week It’s Father’s Day today, and the weather is so changeable, so no golf today.  This week has seen Dominic Raab make […]

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Reluctant Readers - Image Credit: Aaron Burden, Unsplash

Reluctant Readers – Dyslexia Resources

Reluctant Readers Another week has passed, and another struggle with Samuel and his learning.  As I said I’m determined to educate myself so I can fully understand his struggles, figure out his learning style and aid his development as much as possible. His ergonomic pencil arrived on Tuesday.  When I handed it to him, his […]

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Reluctant Writers

5 Top Tips to Encourage Writing in Dyslexic Children

Unfortunately writing for dyslexics doesn’t always come easily.  The ideas are all there, it’s just the ability to get them down on paper which seems daunting. With Sam being at home with me, it has become really apparent that he is definitely one of those reluctant writers (well for me anyway). Recently I discovered these […]

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lighthearted relationship advice

Day 90 – Together in Lockdown

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner column_width_percent=”100″ gutter_size=”3″ overlay_alpha=”50″ shift_x=”0″ shift_y=”0″ shift_y_down=”0″ z_index=”0″ medium_width=”0″ mobile_width=”0″ width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”58767″ media_width_percent=”80″ media_link=”||target:%20_blank|”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_empty_space empty_h=”1″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 41,662 UK Cases: 294,375 Worldwide Deaths: 429,713 Worldwide Cases: 7,795,965[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] This week The weather has been atrocious this week and what a difference that makes.  Just when people are told they can meet up in […]

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Early Signs of Dyslexia

Don’t Call Me Stupid! – Early Signs of Dyslexia

Early Signs of Dyslexia Don’t call me stupid! I remember the day I told S that he was Dyslexic.  I know that some will argue we shouldn’t label, but for S, it gave him an identity, it gave him strength.  Till then he had been frustrated, unable to vocalise how he felt.  Not able to […]

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Motivation in Lockdown

Day 85 – Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Figures UK Deaths: 40,597 UK Cases: 287,399 Worldwide Deaths: 407,353 Worldwide Cases: 7,144,072 Where did it all go wrong? This week certain non-keyworker kids went back to school, and some businesses were allowed to open. Lockdown has relaxed across the country and is set to relax even more over the next few weeks.  Scientists are […]

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explain race and racism to kids

Day 80 – Explaining Race & Racism To Kids

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”58632″ media_width_percent=”85″][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 39,728 UK Cases: 279,856 Worldwide Deaths: 383,994 Worldwide Cases: 6,500,866 News This week saw the shocking death of George Floyd at the ‘hands’ of a police officer, which has prompted the #BLM movement to take action not only in the U.S but also in the UK.  […]

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5 best bobs

Day 74 – 5 Best Bobs

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 37,460 UK Cases: 267,240 Worldwide Deaths: 354,762 Worldwide Cases: 5,741,807[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_single_image media=”58538″ media_width_percent=”75″ alignment=”right”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Lockdown Luck? I decided a little before the pandemic broke that I wanted to grow my hair.  I do this, I constantly change my hair; whether it’s my actual hairstyle/length, the colour, or the age-old […]

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5 things to be thankful for

Day 71 – 5 Things To Be Thankful For

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 36,793 UK Cases: 259,559 Worldwide Deaths: 345,009 Worldwide Cases: 5,451,584[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] This Week It is the end of Mental Health Awareness Week, and to mark the end I thought I’d do a little positive post about the 5 things I’m thankful for in lockdown, after my honest and open letter to […]

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Day 64 – Letter To My Boys

A Letter To My Boys Figures UK Deaths: 34,636 UK Cases: 243,303 Worldwide Deaths: 314,683 Worldwide Cases: 4,771,676 This week So lockdown restrictions were relaxed slightly in England and the ‘message’ changed to ‘Stay Alert’ rather than ‘Stay at Home’.  Scotland and Wales have stuck with the original message, at least someone is being sensible.  […]

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Foodbanks in the UK

Day 60 – 5 things you need to know about Foodbanks

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Foodbanks in the UK Figures UK Deaths: 33,186 UK Cases: 229,705 Worldwide Deaths: 295,072 Worldwide Cases: 4,386,821[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] Foodbanks in Lockdown As the Coronavirus pandemic unfolds, foodbanks in the UK are working hard to ensure that no-one should be without food.  In the first two weeks of the pandemic, food banks in the Trussell […]

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The Lockdown Diaries

Day 57 – Losing My Identity

Figures UK Deaths: 31,855 UK Cases: 219,183 Worldwide Deaths: 281,454 Worldwide Cases: 4,139,732 It’s Maternal Mental Health Week this week and seeing all the posts have reminded me exactly what I’ve come through and what others are still going through right now, every day.  Made even more difficult this year by us currently being in […]

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top 5 online buys

Day 53 – 5 Awesome Things I’ve bought in Lockdown

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 30,076 UK Cases: 201,101 Worldwide Deaths: 261,205 Worldwide Cases: 3,777,569[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]So a lot of my posts recently have been quite heavy, or to do with my struggle during the lockdown.  Now I’m not saying that I’m no longer struggling (still on that COVID coaster as I heard it referred to #lovethat).  […]

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Get in touch

Day 50 – 5 Things I’ve learned in Lockdown

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 28,446 UK Cases: 186,599 Worldwide Deaths: 246,943 Worldwide Cases: 3,533,921 5 Things I’ve Learned in Lockdown There is a lot of time to think during lockdown, a lot! So as the weeks pass there are things I’ve learned… 1. I quite like lockdown I know it won’t be a popular view, […]

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life goes on

Day 45 – Life goes on…

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 26,097 UK Cases: 165,221 Worldwide Deaths: 225,138 Worldwide Cases: 3,183,992[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Life goes on… So 10 days have passed since I last wrote.  My anxiety seems to have calmed quite a bit, the hand scratching has pretty much stopped.  I still watch the news but do switch it off to do […]

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is it just me

Day 35 – Is It Just Me?

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Figures Deaths UK: 16,060 Cases UK: 120,067 Worldwide Deaths: 161,904 Worldwide Cases: 2,358,351[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Is it just me? It’s been a difficult week for many reasons, but I do feel like 4 weeks in and I am losing touch with reality.  The more time I spend indoors, the more I forget that actually we […]

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Easter Holidays

Day 30 – Easter in Lockdown

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text] Figures UK Deaths: 12,107 UK Cases: 93,873 Worldwide Deaths: 125,018 Worldwide Cases: 1,980,856[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text] Easter It’s been a strange week.  The Easter holidays mean that structure has gone out of the window.  On one hand, it has been nice having a break, but as each day passes, it becomes harder and harder to stay […]

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