Day 97 – Not An Easy Day

Fathers Day - sasha-freemind-nXo2ZsKHTHg-unsplash

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Father’s Day

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UK Deaths: 42,632

UK Cases: 304,331

Worldwide Deaths: 467,555

Worldwide Cases: 8,958,945[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]

This Week

It’s Father’s Day today, and the weather is so changeable, so no golf today.  This week has seen Dominic Raab make an absolute fool of himself over the ‘Take a Knee’ tribute, likening it to something out of Game of Thrones and completely missing the point.  We are starting to see localised outbreaks across the country, but the threat level has been reduced from 4 to 3?  Our ‘world-beating’ track and trace app has been thrown out in favour of the Google and Apple app. And unbeknownst to us, the app has been downloaded to our phones.  Not quite sure how I feel about that.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Father’s Day

Nearly 15 years ago to the day we lost our father.  Diagnosed with MND the previous year, his decline was so quick.  I hoped that he would live long enough to see his second grandchild born, but instead I attended his funeral just over 3 months pregnant.  However, what we did have was time.  Time to spend with him, time to try and get our head around what was happening, time to create more memories.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”58893″ media_width_percent=”100″][vc_column_text]

The Pandemic

Today is always a hard day, I have to stay positive and happy for the boys and for my OH, it’s his day after all.  In a way, it provides some distraction from the constant reminder that my dad isn’t here anymore.  But this year brings new sadness, a pang of deep sadness for all those who this year will be without their fathers because of Coronavirus.  Robbed of the time to come to terms with, the time to create any more memories, even just the time to say goodbye.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

No time to say goodbye

I think that’s the thing that is the hardest about right now.  People all across the world are losing loved ones without the chance to say goodbye.  So let’s take a moment to think of all those who have lost someone during the pandemic  Those who have a loved one in the hospital now, fighting to live. Who have spent Father’s Day without their father for the first time…

Fay x

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