Day 103 – 5 Tips To Improve Your Mood Everyday

Improve Your Mood


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Improve Your Mood Everyday

Some days life is easy, life is good and everything seems bright.  But during ‘lockdown’ and/or suffering from a mental disorder then a lot of days aren’t easy, aren’t good and really don’t seem bright at all.

It is estimated that around 1 in 5 of the world’s children and adolescents have a mental disorder*. Depression is one of the leading causes of disability, affecting 264 million people*.  And almost a quarter of adults living under lockdown in the UK have felt loneliness, raising concern about the long-term risk to mental health**.

*Source: WHO

** Source: MentalHealth.Org

The significance of mental well-being and knowing how to improve your mood daily has never been more important, for ourselves and for our kids…

5 Tips To Improve Your Mood Everyday

1. Connect with People

Good relationships are a great way to improve your mood and help your mental well-being. There are lots of things you could try to help build stronger and closer relationships.  Call a friend you haven’t spoken to for a while.  Sit down with the family for dinner.  Volunteering in your local community is a great way to help and connect with new people at the same time.

2. Mindfulness

There has been a lot of talk about mindfulness over the last few years.  Basically, it’s all about appreciating the present. This includes your thoughts and feelings as well as the world around you.  Practising mindfulness can improve your mood every day and is a great coping strategy for anxiety, depression and stress.

From keeping a journal to meditation, read more about mindfulness and how to practise every day.

3. Get Active

Exercise is not only great for your physical well-being, but it is a great way to improve your mood too.  Whatever takes your fancy.  So if going to the gym and pumping iron for several hours is your thing then do that.  If cycling or swimming or tennis is your thing, then do that.  There is so much available online nowadays, you don’t even have to leave the house to stay active.  However even something as simple as taking a daily walk for 10/15 mins a day.

For some simple free ideas to get active, click here.

4. Learn a New Skill

Studies show that learning a new skill can also improve your mood.  Giving you a sense of purpose and boosting your self-confidence.  This doesn’t need to be a whole new hobby, there are lots of different ways to learn a new skill.

It can be as simple as learning to cook a new dish, or re-decorating a room at home.  Maybe you have always fancied learning a musical instrument.  Or maybe go back to college and take a class in something you’ve always wanted to learn more about.

5. Give To Others

One of the easiest and most rewarding ways to improve your mood daily is to give to others.  This can be the simplest act of kindness, like a smile or paying a compliment to someone on the street.  Or maybe check on an elderly neighbour and check if they need anything.

If you’d like to do more then why not look for ways to volunteer in your local community?  Maybe work some hours in a local charity shop, donate food or time to your local food bank.

It really isn’t easy to improve your mood sometimes, especially when you are stuck in a rut or at a low point.  But making that effort to do even the littlest of things once a day, can make all the difference.  We can do this, together.

Fay x

The mental health charity Mind also offers information about the 5 ways to well-being.

If you are worried about yourself or someone you love, then please check out this NHS list of helpline and support groups.

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Featured Image Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

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