UK Deaths: 44,830
UK Cases: 290,133
Worldwide Deaths: 573,304
Worldwide Cases: 13,135,134[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]
Another Anxiety Attack passes…
I’m a day late in posting so my apologies. After losing a filling back at the beginning of lockdown and having no issues, it decided to become infected and so I’ve been battling an abscess. Even with the relaxation of lockdown, this means I could not visit a dentist (though that was causing an anxiety attack in itself). So antibiotics have been prescribed. I have to say the weekend was a complete write-off, just totally washed out. However this morning I’m a lot brighter, which is lucky as it’s the last week of homeschooling for H & F! Whoop Whoop!
Assessment Time
So school has finished for S but he has a very important assessment next week. He is to be formally assessed for his Dyslexia to further support his learning. One thing that lockdown and homeschooling have given me is a fantastic insight into Dyslexia. It’s given me the time to find out much more about it and I’m determined to support S as much as I can, by learning as much as I can.
Somebody commented to me this week ‘You know that thing you think he has, well he’s as bright as a button, he’s not stupid?!’ Actually what I said was ‘he is dyslexic’, that’s all. I never said he was stupid and funnily enough, I know he is a bright lad.
S, as ever, is not phased by the assessment and is actually quite excited, as am I. We’ve always viewed and seen things like this as just even more ways to help figure out how S learns best.[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image media=”59046″ media_width_percent=”100″][vc_column_text]
Second Wave
So as the lockdown relaxation has continued we are starting to see second waves in various countries (Australia & Spain), as well as the U.S.A, South America and India still struggling to control their initial outbreaks. The UK hasn’t seen a second wave as of yet, and we still have only had the local lockdown in Leicester. However, the no. of deaths does not seem to be reducing as quickly as I think the scientists hoped.
The debate on face coverings still rumbles on with each devolved nation having different rules (not confusing at all). In England, we have to wear on public transport, but it is not mandatory anywhere else. Personally I wear anywhere when I’m inside publically, and I have noticed as the weeks go on that they are becoming more and more commonplace.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Out and About
So now that Grandma Bling is able to come out from ‘shielding’ it has been nice to have a reason to get out. Most of the time it’s literally a walk from one house to the other, but today I thought it good for us all to go for a walk with Daisy. It was all going so well, but living in a village it’s hard not to meet lots of people. Grandma Bling was absolutely fine, but I didn’t cope so well and could feel an anxiety attack coming on. The good thing is I can recognise the sign earlier now and so can just make my way home and take myself out of the situation. Luckily we could choose a much quieter route home, so get home quickly and I was able to settle myself.
Anxiety happens when you think you have to figure out everything all at once. Breathe. You’re strong. You got this. Take it day by day.
[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Sometimes fighting anxiety can feel like a losing battle, but you’re not alone, for more information visit Anxiety.Org
How has your week been, have you returned to work, are you anxious about anything? Would love to hear your thoughts and experiences of the last week below in the comments.
Stay safe,
Fay x
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