It’s been an interesting week and a few things have cropped up. We are nearing the end of April and I’m conscious that Sam’s final assessment day should be soon. I really must phone CAMHS to chase up! It’s also his last term at Junior School, which means a lot of change all around! Sam will change schools, and I am starting to think about full-time work and possibly life away from Bootham. I work where Sam goes to school but on the Senior School site. However, so much has changed since Sam started back in Year 2. The thought of job hunting fills me with fear (I wrote about it on Insta earlier in the week) for so many reasons. So are there such things as ADHD jobs? Jobs that are more suited to our ND brains.
ADHD Brains
ADHD brains are very different from neurotypical brains. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental condition that causes differences in the brain related to attention, behaviour, and activity levels, including impulsivity and hyperactivity. Researchers are learning more and more about brain development and ADHD. In fact, research has shown that individuals with ADHD may have areas of the brain that mature more slowly or have different activity levels than a neurotypical brain. Some brain differences may change as a child matures and grows older.
Many individuals with ADHD have spent a lot of their lives being told that they are somehow not good enough, or ‘deficit’. Women in particular may have spent all their childhood, and a lot of their adulthood undiagnosed, wondering why they have never fully achieved the potential they know they have. It’s so important to realise that ADHD has many positive traits. And actually, employers nowadays are now actively seeking our natural talents and personality characteristics.
What we have to offer!
Individuals with ADHD have the following amazing traits:
- Enhanced creativity and imagination
- Greater resilience
- Compassion and empathy
- Greater problem-solving abilities
- Talents for multitasking
- The willingness to help or mentor others
- An enhanced capacity for leadership
- Positive, people-oriented interpersonal skills
- Greater adaptability
- Higher energy
Now you know how amazing you really are, then start to think about what type of job you might like, or what type of job might suit your specific skillset and traits. There are definitely some jobs that are suited to those with ADHD.
ADHD Friendly Jobs
So just what types of jobs should we be looking at? A main consideration should of course be what are you passionate about! We all know that we need to keep interested to keep motivated. That said, the creative, engaging, interactive professions listed below make the most of ADHD traits like empathy, energy, enthusiasm, and hyperfocus under pressure.
- Teacher / Early Years Practitioner / SENDCO
- Journalist / Copy Editor / Graphic Designer
- Artist / Actor / Stage Manager
- Chef / Restaurant Manager
- Beautician / Hairstylist / Stylist
- Police / Fire Services / Paramedic / Nurse
- Computer Technician / Software Developer
- Small Business Owner / Entrepreneur
In fact, a survey twenty years ago (2003) commissioned by BBC2 for Mind of a Millionaire, found evidence that 40% of entrepreneurs are likely to be neurodivergent, four times the national average.
Moving forward – Living with ADHD
So there we have it, there is a myriad of jobs out there for us, we just have to figure out which one we want. Then work ourselves up to applying, and somehow get through the interview #NoPressure. For me, there is still a lot of thinking to do. I love my current job, and love who I work with, but I’d really like to work more hours and have more flexibility. The thought of entering the job market again is causing me anxiety though, is it worth it?
I’d love to hear from any other women out there who have changed careers or jobs after being late diagnosed with ADHD. How did you find it, did you relish the change?
Fay x
P.S. I also just wanna say that it’s nearly 4 months now and I still haven’t bought a single piece of clothing! Go me 🙂
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