Day 132 – Is it Okay to be Anxious?

anxious times - m-t-elgassier-cugryvziO_M-unsplash


UK Deaths: 45,752

UK Cases: 299,426

Worldwide Deaths:  649,933

Worldwide Cases: 16,293,234

Developments this week…

So this week Face Masks, or should I say face coverings, became compulsory in all shops.  There are some exceptions, including age and health conditions, but we are now a mask-wearing nation.

Spain has now been added to the list of countries that have to quarantine for 2 weeks when they arrive in the UK.  Not such great news for those brave enough to have travelled in the last few days thinking they wouldn’t have to!

The New Norm…

It’s so weird to watch the world get back to some sort of normality.  Some countries are coping well and really seem to have a handle on the pandemic, whilst others are seeing second waves and really struggle to contain.

Spain (hence the addition to the travel list) and Australia and struggling with second waves.  Whilst Brazil, Mexico, The U.S and India are still struggling with the initial wave and numbers are just shocking.

I thought I was dealing with things a little better, that the anxiety was a lot better.  In a way it is, I’m no longer obsessively scratching my hands, but going out more means more anxiety attacks.  The introduction of more and more people outside again has been a real stumbling block for me.  And even just my general anxiety has stepped up a notch.  Sometimes I’m not quite sure how my OH puts up with me, as I lose my temper at the drop of a hat at times, and do take an awful lot of it out on him.

I’m overthinking everything and struggling to make even the easiest decisions or plans.  Struggling to figure out who to see and when to see just becomes too much, and it’s easier to just leave it.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

My Little Monkey

Poor S is really starting to struggle too, his moods are so up and down.  He’s such a social little man and he’s missed contact with people.  I’m letting go slowly, but just so wary when we have Grandma in our bubble.  I also know fine well that my mood swings won’t help either.  I am trying so hard to work on that, but sometimes trying to control them just makes it worse.

He’s had his formal assessment for Dyslexia this week and I think that took a lot out of him.  3 hours of concentration is normally beyond him, and he was shattered for the rest of the day.  We are awaiting his results and he is being screened for other neurodiversity traits too.  I just hate to see him struggle, so much to deal with for this little man right now.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


Anyway, I am trying to be easier on myself, trying to give myself a break.  I literally can only manage what I can manage and shouldn’t feel the need to do anymore.  I’m working on some mindfulness and family time after reading a fab book last week, read about it here.  It’s also been nice to have a few days of sun and warmth again.  Let’s see what the next few weeks bring…

As the government would say, Stay alert!  I’m so friggin alert, I can’t switch off! LOL

Fay x

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