Day 85 – Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Motivation in Lockdown


UK Deaths: 40,597

UK Cases: 287,399

Worldwide Deaths: 407,353

Worldwide Cases: 7,144,072

Where did it all go wrong?

This week certain non-keyworker kids went back to school, and some businesses were allowed to open. Lockdown has relaxed across the country and is set to relax even more over the next few weeks.  Scientists are concerned that our death rate has not come down quickly enough, that the R rate is increasing again. I think that the vast majority of the UK has lost total confidence in Boris and his ability to handle this pandemic.  Especially when he can’t even ‘handle’ his own advisors.

America seems to be falling apart in front of our eyes.  Coronavirus has crippled the economy as well as the population.  Then they had to witness the shocking death of George Floyd.  Choked to death by a policeman’s knee on his neck whilst he shouted he couldn’t breathe.  All filmed for all to see over 9 soul-destroying minutes.  Protests have broken out all across America and the UK.  Something needs to change, something is changing!

Brazil has not yet hit its peak but is already opening back up for business.  They are now just behind the UK in terms of total deaths, so third in the world.  However, sadly they are expected to overtake us quickly this week.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Business as usual?

I am struggling this week, lacking any real motivation in lockdown.  Watching everything that is happening across the world just now, feeling so helpless.  Trying to homeschool three very unmotivated boys, whilst also trying not to worry about being furloughed right now.  Quite a few panic attacks this weekend, but I’m home so I can calm myself a lot easier.

Every day is the same, and I cannot help but question absolutely everything.  So, for now, I’m going to share some of my favourite quotes in the hope that if you are feeling a little like me, then these may help.

Wellbeing & Motivation in Lockdown

Carry a heart that never hates.  Carry a smile that never fades. Carry a touch that never hurts.

Remember why you started.

Little by little, day by day, what is meant for you will find its way.

Be the change you want to see.

You don’t need anyone else’s approval to be yourself.

How are you?

Life isn’t easy for anyone at the moment, even the kids are feeling it.  Let’s all be a little easier on others and a big bit easier on ourselves.  How are you coping at the moment?

Fay x 

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