Day 30 – Easter in Lockdown

Easter Holidays

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UK Deaths: 12,107

UK Cases: 93,873

Worldwide Deaths: 125,018

Worldwide Cases: 1,980,856[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


It’s been a strange week.  The Easter holidays mean that structure has gone out of the window.  On one hand, it has been nice having a break, but as each day passes, it becomes harder and harder to stay motivated.

Easter Sunday was particularly hard.  Traditionally, we spend Easter Sunday together as a family.  Enjoy a BBQ in the sun, or a roast around the table.  I found it hard to even get out of bed.  I miss my mum, my family, my in-laws and my friends.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Day to Day

Our days are now filled with the basic.  Taking time to make breakfast and a cup of tea.  Washing, Ironing (well okay, maybe not so much ironing), cleaning, all those things we hate, are now becoming things we look forward to, just because they are ‘something’.  In ways it is lovely to take the time again when so often we are always rushing.  However, it is also difficult because we know what we are missing.  It’s a hard balancing act and I hope this maybe teaches us all something about our work/life balance.

Online shopping, news bulletins, F5 to try and get an online delivery/click & collect slot.  The excitement if you do actually get a slot, it’s literally like winning the lottery![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]I still haven’t managed to venture further than the top of the lane, thank god for the OH is all I can say.  He’s had to put up with a lot these past few weeks.  Not only is he still having to work (from home) in these strange times, but he’s also having to shop for us and vulnerable neighbours, as well as put up with my ever-decreasing mental state.

Each day is different and I’d guess he feels like he is walking on eggshells at the moment.  Yet still, he manages to make me laugh (most of the time) and gets on with everyday life to keep us all going.


The week ahead…

Thursday is the Monkey’s first day ‘back’.  The Geek and the Jock go back on the following Monday.  It’ll be a whole new way of learning for them and for me, for the whole country.  Not least for us because we only have two laptops between three of them (thank god I’m not working!).  The Geek bought his own so it’s not really fair to ask him to share, but there may be times.  So the Jock and the Monkey will have to share mine, this could be fun LOL.

Anyone else fearing the technological age of homeschooling????  Really wish I worked out how to log onto the school portal before now #panic

Fay x


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