Day 22 – The Norm

The norm

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UK Deaths: 5,373

UK Cases: 51,608

Worldwide Deaths: 73,759

Worldwide Cases: 1,328,437[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The Norm?

So it’s over 3 weeks since we as a family started isolating and 2 weeks since lockdown became the norm.  We are slowly getting used to the restrictions.  Meanwhile, around the world, the situation develops.  Some countries are seeing everything slow down after their ‘peak’.  Whilst others are just seeing the beginning of the pandemic hit.

Here it’s been another pivotable weekend.  Professor Chris Whitty (England’s CMO) hasn’t been heard from since he went into self-isolation last week.  It is past his 7 days, but still, we have heard nothing*.  Scotland’s CMO broke her own restrictions by travelling to her holiday home, twice!  She resigned this morning.  The Queen addressed the nation – only her fifth time since becoming Queen.  Last but by no means least, the Prime Minister was taken to hospital last night as a precautionary measure, his symptoms from the virus not improved in 10 days.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Easter Holidays

Typically as we have seen these last few years, the weather is abnormally pleasant.  However, unlike previous years we cannot flock to the coast, we cannot rush to the park, and we cannot crowd beauty spots.  It is indeed a lot to ask, and police forces across the country are worried it will be too much for some.  This weekend saw some London parks closed after people seemed not to understand social distancing and ‘necessary’ time out of the house.

I cannot imagine what it must be like to be in lockdown and not have some green space, to be stuck in a flat or apartment without even a balcony.  The prospect of several months must seem at times impossible, especially with young children.

I really do worry that the behaviour of the selfish or misguided minority, will lead to the sensible majority being ‘punished’ for even longer.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

The New Normal

I must admit as concerning as each developing day is, most of this weekend has been a little easier.  The school holidays may be playing a large part to this…

Life as we know it will never be the same again.  But how soon we can get back to seeing our friends and families again, how soon before we begin to flatten the curve, is entirely up to us![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Stay Home, Stay Safe,

Fay x

*Chris Whitty appeared for the first time at the government briefing this evening.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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