How Felicity finally got to say thanks!

I can’t remember if I have shared previously or not but my eldest boy Henry was born premature. At 34 weeks I developed pre-eclampsia and was taken into hospital, I remember feeling just not quite right on the Sunday evening and thought I beat check with the doc on the Monday morning, the next thing I know an ambulance is being blue lighted to the doctors to take me to hospital.

They managed to control my blood pressure well until the Thursday morning when I woke very early with such a headache it was unbearable, the nurses gave me some painkillers but it didn’t touch it, when they checked my blood pressure it was off the chart, and rising so the decision was made to emergency section me ASAP. I apologise now if anyone ‘lost their slot’ because of me x

At 12:31 that lunchtime Henry Douglas Stephenson was brought into this world at 3lb 8oz, I think I got to hold him but I can’t really remember much if I’m honest.  I remember before when the anesthetist played ‘the first cut is the deepest’ as he was prepping me for surgery.  I remember being more worried that my husband would faint when I got my spinal block and I remember him and the anesthetist comically arguing over what to call Henry! But after that I don’t remember much…

Normally with pre-eclampsia, once baby is out then your blood pressure drops and you are fine, but that didn’t happen with me, I’m still not quite sure what was wrong but I spent two days in labour ward in and out of consciousness with very little memory of that time.  I didn’t see Henry, he was perfect and healthy in every way, just small so he had to go to SCBU (special care baby unit) so it was Matthew that did the first nappies, the sitting by the incubator and it wasn’t till the end of day two when they actually brought Henry to me, in his incubator.

After day 2 I was well enough to move to the antinatal ward and spent the next two weeks there before I persuaded them I could go home, so I could then spend my days with Henry in SCBU rather than sat in my hospital bed waiting for doctors to come and check me etc.  Henry thrived and despite us having massive issues breastfeeding as he had no sucking reflex he did well an 4 weeks after he was born (1 week before he was due) and just before Christmas we got to bring our tiny little bundle of love home.

It’s been a roller coaster since then with 2 more boys (both healthy pregnancies) and Henry is now a very happy and healthy 10 year old.  

I’ve always wanted to be able to say thanks to SCBU for everything they did for Henry and I.  Not only did they love and care for my boy, but they taught me an awful lot, were there for me at some pretty hard times.  These guys are amazing nurses but more than that they are amazing people, loving and caring beyond the call of duty. So with the support of some friends I contacted York SCBU and asked if there was any chance I would be allowed to make a canvas for the unit and they very kindly said yes…

So here it is, I can’t wait to present it to them and say thank you for everything they’ve done for Henry and I, forever in their debt,

Fay x

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