How Felicity Finds 3 reasons to be cheerful

It’s been a good week this week.  I’ve pushed myself out of my comfort zone a couple of times, doing things I’d normally shy away from;


  1. As mentioned in my last post I’ve booked the Baby & Toddler Show in Manchester Oct 7-9.  I am really excited but also pretty scared! I’ve done loads of trade & retail shows for other jobs before but this is me, I’m putting myself out there, what if i don’t get all my designs made in time? What if I don’t sell anything? What if I sell everything the first day and have no stock left? Hey you gotta let a girl dream a little 😉 Anyway 25 weeks to go and so much to do, so I’m hoping i’ll be too busy to be scared LOL.
  2. I stopped a friend I hadn’t seen in ages to catch up.  Sounds silly right, but that’s a huge step for me.  Normally I’d put my head down and keep walking, as the fear of them not really wanting to talk to me would be so great.  This is a very good friend so deep down i know the fear is completely irrational, so i pushed that fear to one side, reached out and said hey.  Had a great catch up and a lovely hug to boot.
  3. I finished my website – BUT IT’S NOT PERFECT! Normally i would keep going and going, working and working whilst other elements suffered.  But with the guidance of many, particularly Devenia Besant I’ve realised that appearing as is, is better than not appearing at all and actually perfection is something never attained really.  I’m not saying turn up in my pj’s for the school run, but there is a level that is acceptable, that can then be worked upon at a later date.

I’m really chuffed with myself, It’s really liberating.  I also had a beautiful text from a very lovely soul, she knows who she is and I’m so privileged to have her in my life.  She had guided and supported me from the day I met her and she is such a massive part of me, it’s hard to describe, love love love.

So now the hard work begins, I’ve orders to complete, samples to paint, fabrics to design and a soft furnishings collection to make! Not a lot then…

Hope you’ll join me on my journey, as it’s gonna be exciting…

With love,

Fay x



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