Household Isolation

Household Isolation Credit:

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Day 3

[/vc_custom_heading][vc_column_text]So with everything as it is at the moment and the world changing literally in front of our eyes, I kinda thought it might be time to start writing again.

Current situation…

We are currently on 14 day household isolation after our middle son (The Jock) woke on Monday morning with mild symptoms; continuous cough and temperature.  Bearing in mind on Monday morning this just meant a 7 day isolation for him alone, it didn’t seem so bad.  So despite thinking it was probably nothing, it was a small sacrifice to ensure we limited the possible spread.  Fast forward to that evening and suddenly household isolation was announced.  There was no going back!  Suddenly the food I had been buying gradually over the past few weeks that we laughed about, became an absolute necessity.  My decision for none of us to visit my very vulnerable mother for the past week didn’t seem so extreme.  Suddenly it all seemed a little real.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

A reason to be thankful

We are extrmely lucky as we have the space to fully isolate ‘the Jock’, including a bathroom he doesn’t have to share with anyone. The OH and I are able to work from home meaning we can be here for theg, but still work to ensure we are bringing wages in.  So we are truly thankful.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Fear Factor

It’s interesting but for the last few months I’ve been focusing on a move away from social media. Taking time to just concentrate on me, my family and everyday life.  However the Coronavirus has really ramped up my anxiety again (and I know that a lot of people in the same boat).  It’s something I realised I suffered from only in the last few years and actually it’s been pretty much under control the last few months.  But it now explains exactly why I started stocking up (not panic buying, or emptying shelves I may add, and not toilet roll either!) earlier than most.  Feeling the worry about my family to the point where people thought I was perhaps being too over-sensitive.  Even taking steps to social distance much earlier than others.

But I think the biggest thing for me was the lack of direction or instruction of what to do in the early days.  The lack of knowledge, yet the constant stream of information.  Having to believe in the leaders of our government and institutions, whilst also listening to my gut; especially whilst the rest of the world took very different measures initially.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

5pm update

Okay so as we will all now be aware, schools are now officially closing in the UK.  I knew this would happen, I had been thinking about it for a couple of weeks.  Alas the reality of these last few days have really brought it home.

As said the OH and I are very fortunate to be able to work from home.  However suddenly this is a disadvantage.  Now not only do we need to put a full working day in, but like millions of others we are expected to ‘teach’ our children too.  God help us if we actually get sick!

Fair enough I’ll just be shouting at the ‘Geek’ and the ‘Jock’ to do what work has been set for them, before they are remotely allowed near their phones or XBoxes, but it ain’t so simple for the littlies.  The ‘Monkey’ is severlely dyslexic and has made amazing progress at Bootham over the last year and a half, but now it’s down to me…

The anxiety is kicking in, am I going to fail him.  How do I have the time to teach him as well as work.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]


I hope that this blog will allow me to vent some of my anxiety, as well as offer some solace to others to in the same boat.  A place to realise you are not alone and just share your worries.  I have some amazing friends who have already sent some great resources to use educationally which I’ll share.  As well as some ways to ease your anxiety over the next few months.  But more than all, I kinda want this to be a diary for my grandkids, to see what it was like to live through, because this is definitely going to change our world as we know it!

Anyway enough ramblings for now, till tomorrow.

Fay x


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