Day 11 – Clap for Carers

Clap for Carers

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UK Deaths: 578

UK Cases: 11,658

Worldwide Deaths: 23,670

Worldwide Cases: 524,007[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]It’s been a funny 48 hours – bad choice of words really. I have now officially finished ‘work’ for Easter, which takes some of the pressure off.  Likewise, the ‘monkey’ is now on Easter hols.  The older two still have a couple of weeks left yet, but homeschooling is a lot easier with these two, so we are finally getting somewhere.  And tonight sees our first Clap for Carers.

The weather has been glorious, meaning lots of families in their gardens.  Such a juxtaposition, the beautiful sound of families enjoying their gardens, whilst we all ensure that we practice #socialdistancing.  The sounds of the birds singing, whilst all the time knowing there is a silent killer out there.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Worrying Times

Death rates in Spain, the US and the UK continue to rise, even Italy has started to rise again after the South saw a sharp rise in cases.  People still aren’t quite getting the seriousness of this virus.  Yesterday saw the reported death of Chloe Middleton, 21, with no apparent underlying health conditions.  This virus does not discriminate.  The virus is not spreading, we are spreading the virus![/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]

Clap for Carers

Tonight was the start of the UK showing their appreciation for all Key Workers. At 8pm everyone took to their windows or the street (at least 2m apart of course) and clapped and cheered their appreciation for all our NHS & Key Workers.  It was so moving to hear everyone out in force tonight.

#clapforcarers #clapforNHS

Fay x

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